Sunday, August 10, 2014


I've always thought of myself as a very observant person. I notice stupid little things. Like, did you know UPS workers wear brown UPS socks? Anyways, so the kids and I have been in Indianapolis for three days, and I already have enough observations to blog about.

I was born and raised in the South, and I'm always interested in how people from other parts of the country are different from us dumb rednecks.

Observation #1: People in Indiana drive annoyingly slow. I even asked Daniel if it was just wasn't. It's completely normal to go 55mph on the interstate.

Observation #2: I've come to the conclusion that most places look the same. The suburbs of Indiana look just like the suburbs of Birmingham. Except they don't have the pretty mountain background we do.

Observation #3: Don't let anyone make you believe the South has all the fat people. Holy cow, you would not believe the morbidly obese people we saw today at the zoo. And if that many were at the zoo, imagine how many are sitting on their butts in front of the TV. It seriously made me sick to my stomach, never wanting to eat again.

Observation #4: The people aren't quite as friendly. Today at the zoo we were at the playground and I didn't see a little girl about Colt's age standing next to me. I accidently knocked her over. I immediately picked her up and loved on her. She didn't even cry. Dad comes over and of course I start apologizing. He says nothing. Dad #2 comes over and asks what happened. This girl knocked her over, blah blah. I think I might have heard a "that's ok" after saying "I'm so sorry" about a million times. If someone did that to Avery or Colt, I would think nothing of it and make sure the person knew it was no big deal.

I have met some nice folks at the campground plus one creepy little girl at the playground who wants to drag Colt around like a baby doll. You know I'm not a people person, so I might not love the people, but I'm still super excited to be here, and I'll deal with the fat, rude people and they can deal with the fat, dumb redneck from Alabama.

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