Friday, July 18, 2014

Simple Garden...Ha!

We came up to the farm several times before we moved here. One weekend we planted our garden. We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, okra, raspberries, cantaloupe, and peppers. We ended up staying in Birmingham longer than we planned, and by the time we got up here, the garden was all but ruined. The weeds had overtaken and were taller than I am. I wish I had a picture of the hot mess that was our garden. One day I spent the whole morning uprooting all the weeds in one tiny section of the garden. It was some hard work. Daniel weedeated most of the rest of it. The tomatoes looked like the only plants that would survive.

Yesterday I uprooted all the weeds surrounding the tomato plants, and now they are so nice and pretty.

When I started, you couldn't even see any of the soil because of all the weeds. My OCD kicked in and I had to pull every last one of them.

This is our first yield from the tomato plants. I don't like tomatoes, but I was still excited!

Since I don't like tomatoes, I decided to pick some green ones. I didn't want all the red ones to go to waste when they finally ripened. I don't like tomatoes, but I like almost anything fried, so I decided to try to make fried green tomatoes. I found an easy recipe on Pinterest, and tried it out. I didn't use a couple of the ingredients but they still turned out delicious.

Luckily my mom, aunt, and grandmother just taught me how to fry chicken, so I'm an expert at frying stuff now.

I pretty much covered mine in ranch dressing, but they were pretty good.

So even though our garden didn't turn out to be so simple, walking to the backyard to pick some tomatoes for dinner was super simple. Mission accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks great. I am so proud of you. I love some fried green tomatoes!!
