Friday, July 18, 2014

Catching up since the move

We moved to the country a little over a month ago. It's been a little bit of an adjustment, for me mostly. I'm used to working, and for right now I'm at home with the two hooligans. It definitely tests my patience every day. Town is about 10 or 15 minutes away, but to go to a lot of places we have to trek into Huntsville, which can take anywhere from 30-45 minutes.

The travelling is part of my simplify project. A lot of times I'm bored and want to get out of the house. I'm learning to be content at home with my sweet children just playing outside and getting dirty. That's really all they want to do anyway. I always feel so bad making them sit in the car for so long just to go to Costco or Chick-fil-A. And if we stay home more, we don't have to bathe as often, which conserves water. Win-win!

Enough with the diatribe. Here are some pictures to catch you up on what we've been doing since the move. I've been trying to use the camera more than I have in the past.

First things little Colty man is finally walking!! I honestly thought he would crawl to college, but we moved to the farm and off he went.


We spend a lot of time outside. I love our huge yard and shade trees. They both love to play in the pool. Someone likes to swim with his clothes on. Daniel's sister found this used four wheeler, and Avery loves to ride it around the yard. Colt likes to sit on it.

My mom brought our two nephews down for a couple of days. Avery loves playing with Tate.

The 4th of July turned out a little chilly. Daniel bought the whole fireworks tent in Fayetteville and put on a good show in the field. Avery got to do a gigantic sparkler too.

We met up with my mom, sister, and nephews at Spring Valley Beach. Avery had a blast playing in the big pool and going down the small slides. I took her down a big slide and thought I could just lift her up at the end so she wouldn't go under. Yikes....I couldn't get my footing, and she went under pretty good. She cried....and cried and cried. After that we got a snow cone and decided to stay in the kiddie area.

This is what Daniel and the kids love to do. They have to take turns, and Avery has a meltdown when it's not her turn. No matter what's she's doing, if she hears the four wheeler start up she goes running for it.

We are just enjoying the long summer days. Doesn't get more simple than that.


1 comment:

  1. It makes my eyes well up to see your sweet family in these pictures. I miss you guys like crazy!!! And I can't believe Colt is walking and I missing it!!
