Monday, July 27, 2015

Meme and Tate Visit

As I am writing this post my children are in Birmingham with Meme. It is currently 11:26 am and I am still in my pajamas. I miss the kids tremendously, but I have to say, this is nice.

Last Thursday was Avery's final day of swim lessons. We weren't allowed to watch except for the first and last days, and I wasn't sure they were going to be able to teach Avery in such a short time. Even at the last lesson they didn't let her swim by herself. I was still so very proud of my sweet girl. We went to the pool on Friday to test out her skills (more on that later). After her lesson we went across the street to the donut/Vietnamese food shop (those things go together, right??). We got some yummy donuts to celebrate our big girl. We got to the shop just in started pouring the second we ordered.

Avery's certificate. I wish we had enough time this summer to do the next level. I'm so excited for her to learn to swim, and I can't wait for her to get enough confidence to jump off the diving board!

It quit raining enough for us to leave the donut shop, but it started up again as we were getting home. We promptly put on our boots and jumped up and down in muddy puddles.
On Friday Meme and Tate came up to visit. We met at Aunt B's pool, and Avery showed us what she learned.

 She was a little fish all morning. Now if we could just teach her to keep her mouth closed in the water. She probably drank a gallon.
And once again this little munchkin stayed by the stairs and refused to put on a puddle jumper. I'm just glad he's cautious and doesn't just jump in by himself.
Tate had so much fun jumping off the diving board and is such a good swimmer.
We were cracking up at Avery jumping off the side. She just flew through the air without a care. I bet she did it fifty times. Good arm workout for Meme.

While Daniel and I were at the beach a little "bird" put a hole in the top part of our beloved swimming pool. Daniel was able to get the bottom part aired up, and Tate had fun running and jumping into it. Daniel also got them this new pool with a slide and other things to do. Daniel played with them outside while my mom and I went shopping. He said they had a blast running and jumping in. I'll post more pictures when I get them off his phone. Tate and Avery have so much fun together, and I'm glad we live close enough for frequent visits.
We've been pretty busy these past couple of weeks, but we will be slowing down soon. Avery starts a staggered schedule for PreK next week, then officially starts on August 13. I can't believe how time has flown!
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."
Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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