Monday, August 3, 2015

Fun-Filled Weekend

It's kind of a double-edged sword living so far from a Target. I'm sad because I loooove Target, but if I can't go, I won't spend money. I was itching to browse, so I decided to make the trip on Friday. First, though, we met one of my oldest friends, Courtney, for a late breakfast. We had fun catching up, and decided on a pool party at her house on Saturday (more on that later). Then we headed to Target. I completely forgot what it's like to walk around Target without a care in the world (or two crazy kids). Colt is in a weird stage right now. He can't decide how he wants to travel through the store. Do you want to ride in the front of the buggy? No. Sit in the back? No. Walk? No. This was his final answer at Target...

This slowed our commute down a great deal. Luckily it didn't last very long because he caught sight of this...
It took some time (and maybe some bribery) to get him away from the dog. He did look adorable petting and talking to the dog, though.
I could visit every section of Target and probably buy something from each one. I always have to visit the entertainment section and ogle the books I never buy because they cost money and the library is free. Avery and Colt found some page-turners and were quickly engrossed.
I was a little jealous...I've been wanting to read the one Colt has. I'll have to ask him about it later. If you'll notice in the first picture Colt has his trusty blanket with him. We spent a very long time in Target since I knew it would be some time before we came back. We were almost home and it hit me...Colt didn't make it into the van with his blanket. With all our walking and wallering it had to have gotten left on the floor in some department. I waited a few hours and called. I told them we were missing a light blue and white blanket. The lady said, "It looks gray to us." AKA wash your nasty blanket. I had our niece pick it up, but we haven't been able to get it yet. I would forget about it but Colt keeps asking about his blanket at Target. That was the most eventful shopping trip!
Saturday the whole family drove to Athens where our friends Patrick and Courtney live. They have a sweet 2 year old, Vaughan, and a pool! Avery was able to practice her skills, and Colty shocked us with his! This child never wants to get in, and usually sticks by the stairs. But this is what he was showing off at Vaughan's...

I bet he jumped in fifty times, which was a great arm workout, but exhausting! I was tickled that he would actually do it! They both had so much fun!
Avery was spinning in the water. Notice, no floaties! Yay!
Avery had fun jumping in, too.

What a fun day spent with family and friends!
I had found a recipe on Pinterest for homemade tomato sauce. Since we planted 12 (yes, 12) tomato plants, we had ample. I bought all of the stuff and picked out the best 45 tomatoes to use. If I had known how disgusting blanching the tomatoes would be, I might have passed. You have to put them in boiling water for a couple minutes then immediately in ice water. Then comes the fun part. I got to peel and cut 45 tomatoes. For someone who doesn't even like them, it was rough.
The pretty before picture...

Gag me.
Luckily the night before I had my little helper help me with the bell pepper and spices. Hopefully she'll get the cooking gene.

Daniel got me a food processor for Christmas a couple years ago, and we got to break it out for this recipe. We made what can only be described as an onion slush. We added the onions, bell peppers, and some tomato paste to the tomatoes and let it simmer for a while.

As you can see, that boiler is filled to the brim. I ended up splitting it between two, but made this fun mess in the process...
After lots and lots of work, I have spaghetti sauce to get us through the winter. My recipe said it makes 4 quarts. It lied. Luckily I bought a bunch of jars because it made twice that much. I can't promise it's edible, but I made it with tomatoes grown in my own garden. I'd call that a success.
"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food. And it was so."
Genesis 1:29-30

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