Friday, August 28, 2015

The Simple Life Gets Busy!

It's been crazy around here since school started. I told Daniel I wish I wanted to homeschool just so we wouldn't have to get up so early! Avery has been doing so well at school. She is completely exhausted all the time, but you gotta learn sometime! We drop Avery off at school at about 7:45 and Colt and I will sometimes stay in Fayetteville and play. One thing I like about living in a small town is how close things are. I can park at the library and stroll him about a mile to the park to play for a while, then stroll back and play at the library. One morning we strolled from the library up to see if the donut shop was open. It wasn't so we snuck into Walgreens for a snack. When we came back outside it was pouring! I had to run with a non-jogging stroller a mile back to our car. Always an adventure.

Colty loves the park, and he is getting so good at climbing onto the structures. Not so good with walking though...he falls a lot. I'm even surprised he went down this slide by himself.
Every once in a while he will bring me a book to read to him at the library, but most of the time he is glued to the train station. Fine by me a chance to read a grown-up book. As you can see, the paci is still a fixture on his face. I pick my battles...
A couple of Sundays ago I signed up for a running event in Huntsville. It was sponsored by the local running store, and it was free....score. It also happened to be held in Hampton Cove where my dad lives...double score. My dad and A watched the kids while I ran as far as I could in an hour....5.5 miles. There were some serious runners there and I don't even want to know what the most mileage was.
I had fun and was super grateful for the free babysitting service. I also got a free t-shirt. Could the day get any better??
Last week Avery started dance! She is doing tap and ballet on Friday nights at a little studio in Fayetteville. We barely know anyone in town, but Avery knew three girls in her class. She had so much fun the first night, and hopefully she will be a natural and have a dancer's body instead of inheriting our genes.
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Avery brings home worksheets and artwork from school everyday. They have been practicing writing their letters. You can tell Avery tires easily. They start out strong, then it looks like she's drunk writing. One day she brought home a picture she drew. I asked her if it was a picture of a monster because she and Mamaw love to draw monsters.
"No, Mommy, it's me." Oops. Maybe I should stick to, "Tell me about your picture."
I cook maybe once a week because the kids eat nothing and I hate paying for groceries. If my groceries were free, I'd cook every night. One night Daniel and I cooked breakfast for dinner. I can't do it myself because I don't know how to time everything, and I never passed bacon cooking class.
This is one meal Avery will actually eat. Here she is making a bacon boat. It's bacon with eggs on top. She is definitely her daddy's daughter.

And Colt ate syrup for dinner...
One of the many days it rained (and rained and rained) Avery and I decided to teach Colt how to play Candy Land.
It didn't last very long, and Avery just shook her head.
My baby sister, Sarah Grace, is a senior at Madison Academy. I can't believe it! She is a volleyball superstar, and the kids and I went to her first game of the season.
That's her in the middle. I'm really excited because I think she's taller than I am!! I made a dress for Avery and a shirt for Colt, and they were a big hit!

Colt was in a foul mood, and I didn't get to see as much of the game as I would have liked. I do know that those girls are crazy good! I don't think my reaction time is good enough to play such a fast-paced game. But they were killing it!
That face...
We caught Sarah Grace after the game and was able to snap a picture with the non-cranky child. We can't wait to cheer her on again!!
Whew, I'm tired just thinking about all we have done lately. I am enjoying staying busy, and can't wait to see what the fall brings.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

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