Sunday, August 16, 2015

Avery Starts School!

I can't believe it's time for my baby Avery to start PreK! She's still so tiny, and there's no way she's already four! We have been so blessed to go to Stone Bridge Academy in Fayetteville. It is funded by the Tennessee lottery, and it's completely free for the families of Lincoln County. Back in the spring Avery got to meet her teacher, Mrs. Michelle. She is so sweet, and I know we will have an amazing year. Now I just have to figure out what to do with a 2 year old while Avery is at school everyday.

I thought it would be a major struggle to get everyone up and going every morning, but so far we are doing well. We'll see how it goes when it's the pitch black of winter. Look at how stinkin cute my girl is. Such a big girl. This wasn't her actual first day of school, though. The school eases them into the schedule, and she had been a couple of half days before this with only some of her classmates. This was her first full day with the whole class.

So....funny story. I don't know if I blogged about it last fall, but when we got back from Indianapolis we had some little visitors....mice! It was absolutely terrifying, but Mr. Bug Man nipped that in the bud real quick. A couple weeks ago I began hearing things in the kitchen at night when Daniel was at work. I would wake up in the morning and our tomatoes on the counter were gnawed through. I wasn't even thinking mice, and we thought it was a possum. So Daniel bought this nice catch and release trap.
We put a tomato in it, and Daniel left for work. It was my job to carry it outside once the animal was trapped. Seriously the most terrifying night of my life. I sat in the living room just waiting...then I heard it. I heard the door close and some squeaking. I slowly rounded the corner to the kitchen and saw the biggest mouse you can imagine in this cage. He was absolutely freaking out. Do you see how small the holes in the cage are? This huge mouse almost fit through them. I decided I couldn't take it outside, and at 9:30 at night, my life-saving neighbor, Mr. Bruce, came to my rescue. I will never forget that crazy mouse trying his hardest to escape that cage. Mr. Bug Man came and set more traps, and luckily we seem to be mice free. But the day Mr. Bug Man was coming I knew there was a mouse in a big cereal box near the refrigerator. I was so scared that when I picked Avery up from school we headed straight to Sonic for lunch just so I wouldn't have to see it at home.

We are keeping Sonic in business this summer. I can't keep count of how many slushes we have had. Last summer I was obsessed with the Miami Sunrise slush. I was sad to see it left off the menu this year. But I have replaced it with a good ol' lime slush.
I have to pick Avery up from school right in the middle of Colt's usual nap, and this is what he did our first day after not having a nap.
In other news, I picked a watermelon and cantaloupe from the garden and cut them up. The cantaloupe was delicious; the watermelon not so much.
The watermelon would have been ok if not for the millions of seeds. Next year we will have to find a seedless variety.
This isn't even a quarter of the seeds that were in this tiny watermelon. So not worth it.
Yesterday Daniel's cousin Jimmie and his family were in town from Texas and we went over to Aunt B's to swim and visit.
That's Avery and Wyatt eating lunch. They also have a little boy, Tristan, who is Avery's age. We all had fun swimming and playing.
The whole crew.
One the way home we stopped for, wait for it.....slushes! Avery got orange and Colt got green apple. Their tongues don't lie!

This afternoon Peepaw, A, and Sarah Grace are babysitting while I do a group run....should be interesting!

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