Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Is It Fall Yet?!

After a cold, depressing winter I swore I wouldn't complain about the heat once summer came. Little did I know that we would still be in the 90s everyday come mid September! I think I've earned a right to complain...holy cow it's hot! Hopefully, fall is just around the corner (or I might die of a heat stroke).

So, here's an update...

Pizza night turned into pancake, Olaf waffle, and bacon night. Yummy! Avery is already a little burned out and requested pizza last week. Do you think that child ate any pizza? 

Remember my cute Harry Potter mugs? I realized they don't make the best gifts because the recipient has to like Harry Potter and coffee...I know no one like that. But once I realized I could paint mugs and seal with mod podge, I thought of one gift I could make. My aunt Anne loves coffee (but not Harry Potter...boo) and her birthday was at the beginning of September. Avery helped me paint some fall leaves, pumpkin, and acorns on a mug. Anne loved it! 

As I'm getting back into running, I really want Avery to start running too. She is so wishy washy these days about what she likes and doesn't, but I hope this one will flourish into something. We started out in the yard. We talked about running a one mile race and she got excited. I decided to take her to the local track to show her what a mile looks like. Our plan was to run one lap. Holy cow, was that a hot mess. I thought Colt would just play for literally 3 minutes while we ran a lap. What was I thinking? I ended up carrying him while I ran, which I'm sure looked great. I already look like an elephant stomping around the track, but add a 40 pound appendage? Yikes. We barely made it, and I may have scarred Avery too. We'll keep working on it. 

My mom was keeping Tate Labor Day weekend, and Tate really wanted to see Avery get off the bus. They came Friday afternoon, and we had a fun day. 

Meme brought a birdhouse for them to paint and put together. We hung it on a tree, and Avery and Daniel went to get some birdseed to put in it. Sorry, Meme, but I think the glue melted and the bottom is hanging on by a thread. Still a fun project! Meme's always so thoughtful.

Daniel came home that Friday, too. We had a full house, and I loved it! Daniel brought home a bubble gun that had gloves with it. The bubbles were supposed to bounce (up to 15 times) on the glove. The package said, "It really works!" You think bubbles really bounced on those gloves? It was hilarious how quickly they popped once they hit the glove. They gun was awesome, though. Colt got really good at making big bubbles.

Daniel mailed the kids some gifts while he was away. Avery got a Frozen watch, and Colt got a Peppa bus.

Ready for gameday! It's weird living in a different state where everything isn't Auburn/Alabama. Avery came home and said her teacher tried to get her a different teacher because her teacher is a Tennessee fan. 

And this is heaven in a pie plate. My awesome father in law planted about eight apple trees a few years ago. One tree is doing very well, and we picked a ton of apples from it. I found an amazing apple pie recipe on Pinterest that's super easy too. The only thing I didn't use was nutmeg. This was so delicious! I have another one frozen, and I can't wait to pop it in the oven whenever I feel like apple pie! I've found some other yummy apple recipes I can't wait to try.

Monday was Labor Day and Daniel was home, so we got out for a bit. We took the kids to play at the mall, then to our favorite restaurant, Baumhower's, for a royal rooster. We stopped at Gander Mountain on the way home. If it had been a few degrees cooler (damn you, hot weather!) Daniel would have bought a tent. We are itching to go camping!! 

The fair is in town this week. I don't know if you've ever been to the fair, but man, is it expensive! Daniel gave Avery a ton of change and we rolled it for our fair money. We got $84. I'm interested to see how much we spend. Daniel is working in Indiana, so it's just me with Miss Weak Bladder and Sir Poops a Lot...pray for me. 
I thought this was cute...Avery had to draw a picture of something she likes. She drew bacon. That's my girl.

When I don't have a babysitter, I have to improvise my walk/runs. Thursday I started my Map My Run app, and off we went. Colt and I strolled about a mile down to the park and played for about an hour. It's been so hot we haven't been to the park in a while. We strolled back up to town and went to the library. Colt was very sad the train table isn't there anymore. Because he doesn't have one at home or anything...Then we strolled to the bank to get some cash to get Colt a haircut. Big mistake. You can see in the park pictures how long his hair was...

When she took the first swipe with the clippers I literally almost fainted. I was trying not to show her my distress, but I was dying inside. It was a horrible feeling. Then she almost cut off the part that sticks up on top, but I finally found my voice and stopped her. I just had to keep telling myself it'll grow back. We strolled back to the car and our adventure was done. I don't even think we walked three miles...that's a small town for ya.

Saturday we visited a new town, Columbia, TN. We had a good time...pictures to come. Fair is tonight. Praying we get some cool weather soon. Vacation in less than a month. Bring it on, fall. I'm ready for camping, hot chocolate, the pumpkin patch, and my first pair of leggings.

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