Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Visit to Columbia and the Lincoln County Fair

Last Saturday I wanted to take the kids somewhere, but I didn't know where. There's a little town called Columbia about an hour north of us. I found a Children's Museum online, so we decided to check it out. It's like Itty Bitty Magic City at the McWane Center, but on a much smaller scale.

We had fun playing in all the different areas. Colt had the most fun with the ice cream. He is still asking me if the place with the cones is still closed. I have to say yes, or else he will want to go back. Columbia is a cute little town. I was getting hangry, so we didn't explore too much. The kids wanted Mexican, so we found a restaurant and had a good lunch.

There is rarely just smiling for pictures anymore.

I found this park in Columbia, and we headed there after lunch. What did people do before Google Maps?? It was five thousand degrees, but they wanted to play. It was a very good park with lots of things to do. Right after we got there, Colt ran up and said he needed to poop. I took him to the bathroom there. If you work for Maury County, TN and are reading this, you should know the women's bathroom was the most disgusting place I have ever been. I was trying to hold my breath the whole time because the smell was beyond anything I've ever smelled. Toilet paper covered the floor. I've never seen anything like it. We left soon after that, what with the blazing heat and Mommy being traumatized...
Before we headed home, I needed to stop at Walmart to return something. While I was waiting in line I saw the most ridiculous transgender person ever. It was a middle-aged man dressed like a woman, and it was almost as bad as the bathroom at the park. Obviously it's wrong and God says it's wrong. That's not even the issue anymore. It's for our safety. Do you really want to meet this person in the bathroom or send your daughter in without knowing what his real motive is? It blows my mind how accepting people are of this ridiculousness. Moving on...

The Lincoln County Fair was in town this week! Avery had rolled her $84 and we were set to go. Except the day before we were to go, both kids had some major bathroom mishaps. I was so outdone, I didn't think I could handle both of them by myself. In the end I took them because I knew how much they wanted to go.

I love how Colt's hair makes him taller.

That little piggy is so stinkin cute.

This was the first ride we went on. Colt almost got kicked off for trying to stand up. That smile went away after the ride operator stopped the ride to tell him to sit down.

They did this one twice. You had to climb up to the top and slide down. Colt didn't understand that it cost money and he couldn't just keep going up.

They rode this one twice too. It was pretty fast for little kids, but they loved it! And I absolutely loved hearing their squeals and seeing those faces every time it came around.

They have races at the fair, too, and we stopped by to watch them warm up. Avery kept yelling, "Go, horse, go!!"

My favorite part of the fair is the food! Last year I had morning sickness and the food all looked gross, so this year I was excited to chow down. Colt wanted cotton candy, then instead of buying a $6 funnel cake I knew they wouldn't eat, we settled for ice cream. Colt didn't eat any of the dinner, so all he had all night was cotton candy and ice cream...

Another fun year at the fair! This is on my (very) short list of why I like living here. 

One night the power went out (why does it always happen at night?) Thank goodness for leap pads! We went to bed hot, but it finally came on a little after 9:00. 

And a couple of cute pictures of Colt Man. Don't be fooled by that sweet smile...

My mom sent me this picture from Birmingham when he was there last. That smile kills me.


Only a couple more weeks until Alabama's Homecoming, then another until our big trip for fall break! Exciting days to come, if I don't go crazy before then...

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