Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spencer Farms

Last Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch at Spencer Farms in Noblesville. We got there right as it was opening and were first in line for the hay ride. The hay ride where we go outside of Birmingham has bales of hay that you sit on. We actually sat on the hay here, and it really felt like a hay ride! We still have hay in the diaper bag. Our driver took us through the farm and we got to see all the pretty trees beginning to turn. We were dropped off at the pumpkin patch, and the fun began.

Colt wanted this big pumpkin...
But settled for this one he could actually carry.
It was so windy and cold while we were picking our pumpkin! And the pumpkins are huge! The farmer said this was the best crop of pumpkins he's ever seen. We hauled it to the car then had fun looking in the farm store. We got some peach preserves and apple butter...yummy!
Tuesday I took the kids over the Apple Store at Conner Prairie. Conner Prairie is some kind of interactive museum that I didn't really want to go to. So we just went to see what kind of apple goodies we could find.
Avery got a caramel apple sucker and some Halloween gummy bears to share with Colt. I can't remember the last time I have eaten a caramel apple so I got one. Now I know why I don't eat them. My teeth almost fell out and I could feel the cavities eating into my teeth. And that was only after a couple bites. I also got some applesauce donut holes. They were absolutely delicious. Daniel has been talking about them all week. We will be heading out there again to get more.
Yesterday we went to Broad Ripple to play at the park. It was a really pretty park with a playground and sports fields and lots of trees. The kids had a blast.
We came home and waited for Daniel to get home so we could watch some football. We had fun cheering on the Dawgs. We shook our head and said, "What the heck?" through the Alabama game. Another fun football Saturday.
And this is what happens when you drag a 3-year-old around Indy all day...


  1. So, I am getting a little sappy. Halloween is coming up and we haven't had a Halloween yet without you guys. I am sad :( But it looks like you guys are having fun. Miss you so much!!

  2. Your Mom and I went to the pumpkin patch yesterday with Jack and Tate. We had alot of fun. Then we went to Green Valley Drugs and got a hamburger!!! Yum! It looks like yall are having a great time this fall. We miss yall and look forward to your next visit. Love you, Anne
