Sunday, May 29, 2016

Endings All Around

I've gotten so behind on my blog! We have been super busy, my numero uno reason I have been avoiding the blog is this...

Something must have fallen on my laptop. I used to have half the screen which wasn't too bad, but we got home from the beach and it was cracked even more. So annoying...
We planned our holiday (yes, I said holiday...I like the British version better) a few months ago when our May plans were crushed. We knew Avery would miss her last week of school, and we planned accordingly. We waited and waited for that week to come. I had teacher gifts all ready. I was planning to pick her up early on Friday. We were so excited. Thursday evening Avery threw up everything she had eaten the past month (and more). She was so sick. She was moaning with a terrible stomach ache and couldn't keep anything down. Luckily Daniel was home that night, and at about 11 pm we decided I would take Avery to the ER. It was the first kid trip there. So lucky we live in a small town. We were in and out in less than an hour.
They gave Avery a popsicle and took an x-ray, and the diagnosis was...constipation. Luckily there were no IVs or shots. Needless to say, Avery missed her last day of school.

She was fine on Friday, but I kept her home. Around lunchtime she felt well enough to go up to the school to say goodbye and give her teachers their presents. We got them these cute drink dispensers with some lemonade packets, chocolate covered peanuts, and a Tennessee towel I made. Her teachers were so happy to see her, and they loved her gift. We have been so blessed with Stone Bridge Academy, and we can't wait to start kindergarten.
We came home to rest before dance recital rehearsal. Avery picked a fine time to get a stomach bug. Luckily, she was vomit free that day and recital day.
This was after rehearsal. We are ready!
We made it through Friday night, and Saturday morning Meme, Beth, and Tate came up to see the recital. We all went to lunch, then Avery and I headed up to the school to get ready.

Tap was first, so that's what all the good pictures are. I can't believe how well she did on that stage! We are so proud of her! She danced her little heart out, and looked like a pro! We can't wait to start again in the fall.
A week later something sad baby sister graduated from high school! I was in high school when she was born, and I can't believe she's old enough to graduate! Sarah Grace is an amazing young woman. She is smart and sweet, and she has such an amazing faith and a love for others and for sharing the gospel. She will be a light to everyone she meets. Avery was in Birmingham, so Colt and I headed to Huntsville. About halfway through the ceremony Colt lost his mind. I had to take him out screaming. I was sick, and I wanted to see Sarah Grace graduated. I was crying, Colt was was a hot mess. We were able to walk up to the balcony and stand and watch her walk.
The picture I took of her walking across the stage was blurry, so this is all I could get. Such a proud big sister.
Isn't she gorgeous? There's also a picture of Beth, SG, and me, and I'm the shortest! Made my day!

This is what my hooligan did while we were waiting for graduation to end...
In other news, we planted our garden. We have almost anything you can think of. It has been so dry I'm hoping everything makes it, because I want more vegetables than last year. I've been watering like a fiend (but not too much!) and praying it works. Lots of stuff sprouting already. God is so good.

Avery and Colt had fun helping us plant and water. The garden is considerably larger than last year and a doozy to water! We also bought two more peach trees, two blackberry trees, and two blueberry trees. I'm so excited!! What fun our kids will have being able to pick berries in their own backyard!
I usually go back and proofread the blog before I publish it, but I might jab my eyes out if I have to read this thing on this tiny screen. Forgive any typos, please. Holiday pictures up next...

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