Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Birth of a Savior

Before our world got turned upside down, we had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. We are blessed with lots of family to celebrate with, but I really enjoyed being with my people on Christmas Day and staying in my pjs all day. We had a busy week or so leading up to Christmas. Here's a recap...

A couple days before school let out, Avery had Polar Express Day at school, and she got to wear her pjs. Notice the adorable Peppa Pig slippers courtesy of Meme. So cute.
The next day Avery had her Christmas program at school. I didn't know people got there super early to get good seats. We ended up in the very back on the bleachers. Each class sang a song. Avery did so good. Where I come from every little girl wears a bow bigger than her head everywhere she goes. I'm pretty sure Avery was the only kid with a bow (much smaller than her head).

We went back to Avery's room and had some cookies before Christmas vacation officially began. Avery's sweet teachers gave her a board game and a book. I was happy to give our old nasty version of Candy Land away.

We had one more dance class before the break, and when we got done we went to see Daddy at his first stop at the good ol' Fayetteville Walmart. The kids had fun climbing up into the cab of Daddy's truck. It's amazing how big those things are!

Saturday night we went to my dad's house. We played Dirty Santa with As Seen on TV gifts. For the most part they were pretty good gifts. We got an awesome can opener and a one second slicer that sliced my finger open in one second flat. I was so excited about Colt's gift from Peepaw and A...we don't have any Peppa Pig toys, and these are so cute! Avery got some nail polish that actually shows up on your fingers. Even Colt got his polished. We don't see Peepaw, A, and Sarah Grace enough, and it was fun to catch up and laugh.
Sunday afternoon Daniel's family came over. We ate more food than we possibly needed, and I was glad I had on stretchy pants (or as Joey calls them, Turkey Pants). With Daniel's family opening presents is a free-for-all, so I didn't really see anyone in particular open their gifts. We had lots of fun fellowshipping (is that a word?).

My mom and Tate were planning to visit on Monday, so Tate just stayed with us on Sunday since he was already near us. We went for donuts in our pjs Monday morning before Meme got there. And here are the kids sitting on my new rocker Papaw gave me for my birthday. Isn't it great??!!

Christmas Eve came, and we all pulled out our short sleeves. I loved it! We went to the mall to finish up any shopping we had left. The kids played in the astronaut play area, then we went to my favorite, Baumhower's, for lunch. Nothing like sitting outside on Christmas Eve eating a royal rooster with your favorite people in the world. Can't think of anything better.
We came home and got ready for Santa to come. We made some cookies that turned out edible, but not pretty, and left some with milk by the front door so Santa would be sure to see them.

I snuck a peek at what Santa brought before the kids woke up. He did a good job, as usual. Santa was smart not bringing Colt much more than the train table because that is all he cared about. That boy is in love with this table and all his trains.

Avery got a Frozen scooter that she loves. This Hello Kitty art kit was also a big hit. Notice Colt wearing shorts. Another warm day! We feel so blessed to be able to share Christmas with each other. What a great day we had.

So Avery has been wanting this Wubble Bubble ball thingy forever, and luckily Santa brought her one. Daniel filled it with helium, and it started out big. It floated for maybe ten seconds, and about two minutes later it was the size it started out as. Another As Seen on TV product bites the dust.
Christmas night we made Jesus a strawberry birthday cake. We finished our advent with some words of praise and sang Jesus Happy Birthday. Opening gifts was fun, but celebrating the birth of Jesus was icing on the cake (no pun intended). Without Jesus, we would have no hope, no grace, no mercy. We are so thankful for the suffering Jesus went through so that we could live forever. Especially now, in the aftermath of Christmas, I can't wait get to heaven and live eternity with Jesus.

The day after Christmas we went to Birmingham to celebrate with my family. Our first stop was sweet Memaw's. We love visiting Memaw, and she always gives the best gifts. Avery and Colt got their own bumble bee pillow pet, which has always been a favorite toy at Memaw's.
I guess I didn't take any pictures of us opening gifts at Meme's, but this is the kids playing with a gift from Anne. It's a croquet game with jungle animals. It is the cutest thing. And the weather was perfect for playing outside.

Yes, these pictures were taken at the end of December. We were playing outside and heard the ice cream truck! What a fun treat in the middle of winter!
The next day our world was shattered, but we are relying on God's Word to get us through. He has shown us an abundance of mercy and grace, and an unconditional love that can come only from Him. I hope our faith through this time will show those unbelievers around us that God works everything for good, and He is the only reason we have comfort in this terrible situation.
"My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life."
Psalm 119:50
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
Romans 8:18

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