Right after the new year Daniel and I took a trip to Chattanooga by ourselves. Apparently I didn't take any pictures of the view from the Incline. I guess they are all on Daniel's phone. We went into the lobby of the Chattanooga Choo Choo. It was still decorated for Christmas and absolutely gorgeous.
The kids got an Olaf waffle maker for Christmas, and it ended up being one of the best gifts! It makes perfect little Olafs, and they are delicious! Even Colt will eat a whole Olaf waffle!
We were invited to our first birthday party! Jace is in Avery's class, and he had his fifth birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's...aka hell. Whoever invented that place should be shot. Avery, Colt, and Daniel had a blast! I took Colty around which is why I don't have many pictures of Avery. That's her with the birthday boy in the bottom picture. It sure was an interesting (and expensive) day.
And some pictures of the cutest boy in the world. We spend a lot of time together, and I've tried to do more things with him so he's not watching Peppa Pig ALL day long (just most of the day). We went to the mall one day to play in the little play area. I was traumatized when I looked over and saw an 18 month old sucking on the biggest boob you've ever seen. I will never be the same again...Even though my stomach was still churning, Colt can always go for a donut, so we stopped at Krispy Kreme. Avery likes playing Headbanz, and Colt decided to join in. Only he kept telling us what was on our heads. He kept his on while he played the Leap Pad. I can't even with the cuteness. Since he doesn't go to school yet, I guess it's my job to teach him things. I got out the letter flashcards, and he made a train. We said each letter and the word that went with it. He did better than I thought!
And then this happened!! We were right on the edge of the snow that was supposed to hit, and we didn't know how much, if any, we would get. The snow started Friday afternoon and we ended up with about an inch and a half. The kids had fun playing in it...for about ten minutes. The wind was ridiculous!!
When we tried to throw snowballs, the wind just blew them back in our faces! Colt didn't like that too much.
Daniel took Avery out through the fields on the four wheeler. It was so windy on the way back, Avery had her hat over her face. Still a fun day in the snow!
Colt didn't last too long. While Daddy and Avery were four wheeling, he was inside watching, wait for it....Peppa Pig.
We got our snow for the year. Now I'm ready for summer! If I could talk Daniel into it, I would definitely move to Miami. January has been fun. Now we are looking forward to February and celebrating Daddy and Colt's birthdays. Can't believe my baby will be three. Anyone want to potty train him for me??